Civilian Lycoming R-680 (Full Cylinder)
The Lycoming R-680 is a nine-cylinder air-cooled radial engine, the first aero engine produced by Lycoming. The engine was produced in two types, the E and B series; both are essentially the same. The B4E was available in a trainer version with a front exhaust collector "ring" for use without cylinder air baffles. R-680 received Approved Type Certificate No. 42 on 4 Feb 1930.
Commonly Found in Aircraft Such As:
- Beech AT-10 Wichita
- Boeing-Stearman PT-13
- Cessna AT-8/AT-17
- Curtiss-Wright AT-9
- Fleetwings BQ-2
- Spartan NP-1
- Stinson Airliner
- Stinson Reliant
- Stinson L-1 Vigilant
- Waco S Series
-This Dummy Radial is Designed to be Hard Mounted on Your Models Firewall Using 30-min Epoxy. May also be Mounted Using Standoffs or Directly to the Cowling,
-Constructed with a Metallic Finished Plastic, this Dummy Radial will be Sure to Add that Realistic Look to Any Model Aircraft.
-These Dummy Radials can be Painted or Glued Using Any Standard Hobby Grade Supplies.
-The Center is Hollow to Allow for Most Electric or Gasoline/Nitro Engines.
- Pushrod Holes are Incorporated into the Design to Accept Aluminum Tubing! (Not Included)
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We will make you any size or configuration you need at no additional cost!
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